Project title: Separation processes for greenhouse gases for sustainable development
Project type: national
Status of project: completed
Project duration: January 2009 - December 2012
Funding: 100% co-financed with the funds of the European Regional Development Fund through the Central Europe program in the framework of transnational projects
Head of the project at SRC Bistra Ptuj: dr. Štefan Čelan
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology (Slovenia) - Leading partner
- SRC Bistra Ptuj
Project goals:
In accordance with the global development priorities in the field of CO2 management, research is pursuing a low carbon society and reducing CO2 emissions by:
- cultivation of algae,
- linking CO2 to forest biomass,
- preparation of SRF-type renewable fuels and their gasification,
- pyrolysis of alternative fuels,
- anaerobic digestion of biomass.
Pomen za lokalno okolje:
Razvita tehnologija algne biomase na polpilotnem sistemu za nadgradnjo s pilotskim merilom za lokalna podjetja, ki se ukvarjajo s produkcijo t.i. visokovrednih produktov – biogoriva in tako pripsevala k znižanju izpustov toplogrednih plinov.
Results of the project:
- development of lipid production technology with algae Chlorella vulgaris by incorporating CO2 from flue gases into biomass (transfer from laboratory to pilot level),
- design of a 500 kW pilot plant for biomass gasification and pilot start-up,
- based on pyrolysis of alternative fuels in the laboratory and pilot scale, the processes of engineering increase / reduction and the acquisition of transfer criteria for the transfer of heat and matter to an industrial scale (1: 10-20 times more than the pilot)
- Stabilization of the process of anaerobic digestion of biomass in the compact layer for the production of greenhouse gas CH4 and preparation of the residue as an alternative fuel for gasification or pyrolysis.
* The achieved results were created within the research program "Separation processes for greenhouse gases for sustainable development" (P2-0346), for the implementation of which was provided by the Public Agency for Research of the Republic of Slovenia.