Project Title: Network for Strengthening and Improving the Implementation of the IPPC European Directives on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control in the Mediterranean
Project Status: Completed
Project type: international
Duration of the project: May 1, 2009 - September 30, 2011
Funding: The project is partly funded by ERDF funds - the European Regional Development Fund through the Mediterranean program. The Mediterranean program is being advertised in the framework of the European Objective III - Territorial Cooperation.
- Andalusian Institute of Technology (Spain) - Leading Partner
- SRC Bistra Ptuj
- ARPA Sicily environment Protection regional agency (Italy)
- Eurobic Toscana Sud (Italy)
- Regional governmnt for environment, Andalusia (Spain)
- Environment, Water, Town Planning and Housing Department of Valencian government (Spain)
- Environmental center of Kozani (Greece)
- S. Anna School of Advanced Studies (Italy)
- ARPA Piemonte (Italy)
Project goals:
- To create a network of key actors in the implementation of the European IPPC Directive, which covers the area of integrated pollution prevention and control in the Mediterranean region.
- Develop and evaluate a common methodology that will take into account lessons learned from the implementation of the European IPPC Directive in each target region.
- Support and promote the implementation of the European IPPC Directive.
- Helping and directing companies to obtain IPPC permits.
Meaning for the local environment: Creating a software application as an aid in the IPPC authorization acquisition stage and its validation at Sp. Podravje, which are IPPC taxpayers.
Results of the project:
- Creation of the website of the project.
- Regional analysis of pollution prevention procedures and monitoring the implementation of the directives (96/61 / CE and 2008/1 / CE) in the four industrial sectors in the Mediterranean area.
- 1 interregional report on the analysis of procedures and levels of implementation in the integrated prevention and control of the directives (96/61 / CE and 2008/1 / CE) in the Mediterranean area.
- 8 regional and one European round table with policy makers and technical experts.
- Creating a common methodology for the implementation of the IPPC Directive.
- A software application for the implementation of a common methodology (Pilot Version) for implementing the IPPC Directive (96/61 / CE and 2008/1 / CE).