1. Basic information
Public institution name: Scientific Research Centre Bistra Ptuj
Manager: Danilo Čeh, Master of Science in Management, public institution director
Date of last change: 20. december 2017
Catalog is accessible: – at the website www.bistra.si
– in printed form at the head office of SRC Bistra Ptuj, Slovenski trg 6, Ptuj


2. General information about the institution and the information of the public character at its disposal
Information about the public institution
Name of public institution: Scientific Research Centre Bistra Ptuj
Abbreviation: SRC Bistra Ptuj
Address: Slovenski trg 6, 2250 Ptuj
Contact: Phone: +386 2 748 02 50
Fax: +386 2 748 02 60
E-mail address: 
Registration number: 5844975000
VAT ID: SI55581218
Bank account: SI56 0110 0600 8358 416
Responsible official: Danilo Čeh, Master of Science in Management, public institution director
Founder of a public institution: Municipality of Ptuj
Year of foundation: 1994
Authority and data on the organisation of the body
Work description:

SRC Bistra Ptuj is established as a non-profit scientific-research and development institution for the purposes of planning and managing the development of the Municipality of Ptuj and the entire environment of the region.

Among the basic areas of operation are:
  • care for development promotion, information, counseling and promotion in the local community and the whole region;
  • linking and transferring knowledge from universities and institutes to the economy and small economy;
    international cooperation, design and implementation of projects financed by EU funds.
  • promotion and creation of creative research and development ideas in the public and entrepreneurial environment and their transfer to research institutions;
  • design of scientific-research and development programs and projects in the field of natural sciences, humanities and social sciences;
  • youth research work
  • promoting entrepreneurship at the local and regional level;
  • international cooperation, design and implementation of projects financed by EU funds.
List of all internal organisational units For the implementation of activities, the public institution is organised into the following internal organisational units:
  1. Joint Services Division
  2. Department for scientific and research work (Dr. Klavdija Rižnar)
  3. Department for Regional Development (mag. Mojca Šibila Drobnič, MSc)
  4. Project Management Department (Danilo Čeh)
  5. Department of Entrepreneurship (Dr. Lidija Tušek)

Internal organisational units operate at the head office of the public institution, contact details are the same as for the institution.

Organ Organigram
Contact details of the official responsible for providing information


Danilo Čeh, Master of Science in Management, public institution director
Slovenski trg 6, 2250 Ptuj
Telefon: +386 2 748 02 51
E-mail address:
List of laws and sub-legal acts from the field of work of the body
National regulations
Local community regulations Odlok o ustanovitvi javnega zavoda Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Bistra Ptuj
List of regulatory proposals
Proposals for regulations SRC Bistra Ptuj is not a proposer of regulations.
List of strategic and program documents

List of strategic and program documents

Each year the Council of the public institution, in accordance with the legislation, approves the annual report for the previous year and adopts the work program and the financial plan for the coming year.

Annual Report for 2016

pdfRegulation on stable financing of scientific research activity in ZRS Bistra Ptuj5.15 MB
List of types of administrative, judicial or legislative procedures
Types of procedures run by the Authority

SRC Bistra Ptuj does not conduct judicial or legislative procedures.

SRC Bistra Ptuj conducts administrative procedures related to access to public information.

SRC Bistra carries out comprehensive support services within the VEM entry points.
List of public records managed by the authority
List of records SRC Bistra Ptuj does not manage public records.
List of other computerised databases
List of collections SRC Bistra Ptuj does not manage other computerised databases.
The most important content sets of other information of a public character
Information sets SRC Bistra Ptuj does not keep other sets of information of public character.


3. Description of how to access other public information
  1. By written or informal request addressed to SRC Bistra Ptuj or its responsible person.
  2. Access via the web: browsing web pages using web browsers
  3. Physical access: at the head office of SRC Bistra Ptuj, Slovenski trg 6, Ptuj, office hours: Monday to Friday from 8 am to 10 am and from 11 am to 1 pm.
  4. Access for people with special needs in accordance with Article 12 of the Regulation on the transmission and re-use of public information: the availability of public information on the Internet is guaranteed, and on the web pages it is also possible to view documents for visually impaired persons (letters enlargement).
  5. Partial access: in accordance with Article 19 of the Regulation on the transmission and re-use of public information.


4. Cost

Decree on the transmission and re-use of public information,

Article 16

(costs of providing information)

(1) In order to provide information, the authority may charge the applicant only material costs where these exceed 20€ (including VAT).

(2) Where the conditions referred to in the preceding paragraph are fulfilled, the Authority shall charge the applicant material costs for the transmission of the following information:

  1. transcription, photocopy or electronic record holder of the information required, whereby the copying shall be deemed to constitute any duplicate by technical means,
  2. the conversion of information from electronic to physical form, if the information is exclusively in electronic format and the applicant wishes to receive the information in physical form,
  3. the conversion of information from a physical to an electronic format, if the information is purely in physical form and the applicant wishes to receive the information in electronic form,
  4. making a photocopy for the purpose of providing partial access for access to documents,
  5. postage for postal mail.

(3) The institution does not charge the costs:

  1. for access to documents, where there are no cases referred to in point 4 of the preceding paragraph,
  2. for access to documents in electronic form, regardless of the partial access made, if it is done in electronic form,
  3. for telephone communication of information,
  4. for the transmission of information by e-mail, if it is not at the same time the cases referred to in point 3 of the preceding paragraph,
  5. for transmission of information by fax, which in total does not exceed five pages.

(4) The Authority shall provide information in relation to the technical devices in its possession.

Decree on mediation and re-use of information of public character, Article 17

(single cost)
The prices of material costs for the transmission of public information are (excluding VAT):
  1. one page of the photocopy or printed format A4 0,06 euro,
  2. one side of the photocopy or printed form A3 0.13 Euro,
  3. one side of the photocopy or printed large format 1.25 euros,
  4. one side of a color photocopy or printed A4 format, 0.63 Euro,
  5. one side of a color photocopy or printed format A3 1.25 Euro,
  6. one side of a color photocopy or a printed large format is 2.50 euros,
  7. electronic record on one CD is 2.09 euros,
  8. electronic record on one DVD-R CD of is 2.92 euros,
  9. Electronic record on one USB stick, the price at which the USB stick was procured by the authority,
  10. Conversion of one page of A4 document from physical to electronic form 0.08 Euro,
  11. conversion of one page of A3 document from physical to electronic form 0.20 euros,
  12. postage for sending information by mail in accordance with the valid price list for postal services.


5. List of the most frequently requested public information
So far, the public institution has not received any requests for access to public information.