Free SPOT service points for private entrepreneur
Application for admission of a sole proprietor Registration for private entrepreneur |
Change of sole trader Change name, title, activity/business/project |
Deletion of a sole proprietor from the PRS register Closure |
Submitting tax information to a sole proprietor. Mandatory procedure for all companies. |
Request for issuing VAT identification number (VAT-P2) Mandatory on revenue over € 25,000 |
Registration of persons in compulsory social security (form M1) When you employ. |
Reporting changes to data on compulsory social insurance on open-end collateral (M-3) Changes in employee data |
Withdrawal of persons from compulsory social security (M-2) For dismissal and retirement |
Registration of family members in compulsory health insurance (M-MS) Childcare |
Change of family members data (M-MS) Changes |
Release of family members from compulsory health insurance (M-MS) Changes |
Registration of a vacancy or type of work (PD-1) for private entrepreneur Mandatory before employment |
Application for the issue of a craft license (OZS) Mandatory for craftsmen engaged in craft activities |