Program of the Turnišče complex
History of the complex
Zadnji lastniki kompleksa Turnišče ob urejenem ribniku.
Estate and castle Turnišče have a centuries-old turbulent history. For the first time, it is written in 1441 in the divisive document of possession after the death of the last representative of the masters of the Ptuj, Friderik Ptujski. A number of changes took place, including owners of Szekely, Herbersteini and Thurnia. The last pre-war owner was Baron Waren Lippitt, who founded the Turnips a large stables for raising trappers with which he achieved visible results. After the Second World War, the castle was seized together with the estate, the baron was executed and the other members of the family expelled.
From 1953 to 1979, Turnišče School of Agriculture was open in the castle. The castle estate was managed by the Turnišče Stud Farm, founded in 1952, which was one of the most famous and successful studs for breeding troupes in the then Yugoslavia.
Since 1999, the castle and park Turnišče pri Ptuju have the status of cultural monuments of national significance. At the end of last year ownership of the park and castle was transferred from the country to the Municipality of Ptuj (MO).
Program for the use of the Turnišče complex, ready to transfer ownership to the Municipality of Ptuj
Today's image of the Turnišče complex is rather clueless, which is mainly due to the lack of concern of the state, which is a chronic lack of money for cultural monuments. Thanks to the City Municipality of Ptuj, the Biotechnical School of Ptuj and the engaged individuals did not grow out with thorns and a spider like the Castle of Trnuljčice in the fairy tale. For the purpose of transferring ownership, MO Ptuj has developed a program for the use of the Turnišče complex, which places educational, development, research, entrepreneurial, promotional and economic activities.
Commission to prepare a program for the Turnišče complex
The renovation of the Turnišče complex is a must, but before the construction work itself, it is necessary to consider the contents thoroughly. For the preparation of the final program of use of the Turnišče complex, the mayor of MO Ptuj appointed a 14-member commission, which publicly called for the submission of proposals to all interested public. She has received 11 suggestions. The tasks of the commission are to coordinate the preparation of the plan of use and report to the mayor on their activities. About the concrete activities in the Turnišče complex will be decided by the City Council as the elected representative of the owner, that is MO Ptuj.
The Commission met at seven meetings between January and July 2014. At its first meeting, it decided to invite all interested parties to participate. For this purpose, a form was prepared, by means of which the Commission accepted the proposal to use the Turnišče complex or its part. The proposals should be defined in three respects: content, infrastructure and finance. The Commission received 11 proposals and discussed them at the next sessions, and all promoters were given the opportunity to present a proposal to the Commission in more detail, which was used by six promoters.
Na Turnišču so nekoč vzgajali vrhunske kasače.
The proposals received were evaluated according to the suitability and support of the content of the proposal, the acceptability of the infrastructure placement, the actual cost estimates and the feasibility of the proposed financial structure. A member of the Commission, an expert in the field of nature and cultural heritage protection, evaluated the proposals from the nature conservation and cultural protection point of view.
From the estimates of individual members, the Commission calculated the average estimates of proposals by individual aspects and made a sum of average ratings, with a 50 highest possible estimate. The best solution is the proposal "Program for the use of the Turnišče complex, ready to transfer ownership to the Municipality of Ptuj" prepared by the Biotechnical School, ZRS Bistri Ptuj and the Municipality of Ptuj with a score of 41 points, and the proposal by M.S Strelac "MUS - the City of Success of Slovenia "With a score of 39.3. All other proposals were rated with less than 25 points.
Content that was best rated
The first proposal envisages a restaurant with local food, a concert-exhibition space, lecture rooms and a store of local products and products in the castle, while the second one is the MUS-city of Slovenia's successes, a restaurant with Slovenian cuisine, a festive hall, an exhibition center and an observatory. In the barn next to the castle the first proposal places the following proposal: business premises of support institutions, entrepreneurial incubator, traditional craft workshops, environmental and nature research and museum collections, and others: photo gallery, dance-theater hall, gallery of modern art and wine cellar in the basement. In other buildings, the first proposal proposes: business premises of professional and developmental institutions, museum collections, tourist accommodation units, and others: administrative and business premises for support institutions, children's area, Waldorf preschool, info center and store products and products. The idea is also great for the park.
Park Turnišče sodi med naravno dediščino.
The Commission's report, which is publicly published on www.ptuj.si, presents all the proposals, and in addition to quantitative assessments, explanations are also given to the evaluations of individual evaluators. The minutes are accompanied by all minutes of the sessions, lists of attendees at the meetings, and evaluation criteria for proposals.
In the report, the Commission also identified the necessary further steps towards the renewal of the Turnišče complex from the aspect of nature protection and cultural heritage, procedures in the Municipality of Ptuj and regional development documents. The work of the Commission is hereby concluded.
Dr. Lidija Tušek, President of the Commission for the preparation of a plan for the use of the Turnišče complex
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REPORT to the Commission for the preparation of a plan for the use of the Turnišče complex CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING PROPOSALS for Members of the Commission |