Title of the project: Following the paths of pilgrims and divine travelers in Europe, the construction and arrangement of the Central European network of pilgrimages, as well as cultural-tourist and spiritulaih - spiritual offers - in Austria and Slovenia
Project type: international
Status of project: completed
Project duration: 1.10.2010 - 30.03.2014
Financing: ERDF - European Territorial Cooperation, cross-border program Slovenia - Austria 2007-2013, www.si-at.eu
- Diezese Graz-Seckau (lead partner),
- Kozjansko Public Institution,
- Development Agency Kozjansko,
- RISO - Institute for the Development and Improvement of Infrastructure and the Social Environment,
- Steirische Tourismus GmbH,
- Scientific Research Centre Bistra Ptuj.
Head of the project at SRC Bistra Ptuj: Tina Zamuda
Project goals:
- Establishment and further development of regional as well as cross-border historical and contemporary pilgrimages and pilgrimage initiatives in Slovenia and Austria
- A common, harmonized tourist and cultural offer of adequate quality. Equivalent evaluation
- e spiritual and tourist aspects.
- Development of market offers and total international sales.
Meaning for the local environment
Through the project, we promote a poorly developed branch of religious tourism, strengthen the awareness of the rich and invaluable cultural heritage in our environment, and in this way we strive to increase the visit of tourists to our city.
Results of the project:
- Better cooperation between Slovenia and Austria for joint cross-border development of pilgrimage tourism.
- Revival of cultural tourism in countries
- Development of three common cross-border routes
- Unique symbols of pilgrimage and divine paths
- Joint maintenance and plan for the preservation of pilgrimage routes
- Cultural-historical and scientific preparation of the theme of pilgrimage and divine paths
- Regional and interregional hikers' charts
- Brochures with information on pilgrimage routes and places
- Total tourist offer and packages
- Joint pilgrim passport
- Common logo and trademark
- Interactive exhibition
- Interactive CDs with information on individual routes.