Project title: Establishment of a common cross-border waste management and environmental infrastructure planning
Project Status: Completed
Project type: international
Duration of the project: 1 October 2005 - 31 July 2008
Financing: The project is partially financed by the EU - Interreg III A SLO-HU-HR
- SRC Bistra Ptuj – vodilni partner,
- Javna ustanova za odlaganje komunalnog i neopasnog tehnološkog odpada sjeverozapadne Hrvatske (Hrvaška),
- Univerza v Mariboru (Slovenija),
- Fakulteta za kmetijstvo in kmetijsko tehnologijo (Slovenija),
- Bistra hiša, zavod za raziskovanje in trajnostni razvoj Martjanci (Slovenija).
Project goals:
- link development developers and operators of waste management activities in the area of project implementation,
- to determine the feasibility of building a common SLO-HR infrastructure in the field of waste processing and treatment of hazardous waste,
- transfer of knowledge and development of the waste management program for the common area.
Meaning for the local environment:
Results of the project:
The results of the project include the established database of all collected waste in the area, the preparation of a feasibility study for the construction of common centers for the recovery of non-hazardous waste (rubber, glass, plastic, paper) and common centers for the management of hazardous waste, and transferring knowledge in the establishment of modern waste throughout the area.
Študija izvedljivosti vzpostavitve skupnega čezmejnega ravnanja z odpadki
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