Project title: Techno-environmental platforms of the agrofood sector in the Mediterranean
Project Status: Completed
Project type: international
Duration of the project: 1 June 2009 - 31 October 2011
Funding: The project is partly funded by ERDF funds - the European Regional Development Fund through the Mediterranean program. The Mediterranean program is being advertised in the framework of the European Objective III - Territorial Cooperation
- Andalusian Institute of Technology (Spain) - Leading Partner
- SRC Bistra Ptuj
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- Prefecture of Florina (Greece)
- Science and Technology Park of Sicily (Italy)
- Environment, Water, Town Planning and Housing Department of Valencian government (Spain)
- Regional governemnet for environment, Andalusia (Spain)
- EUROBIC Toscana SUD. (Italy)
- Entrepreneurs association of Alentejo - AEAL (Portugal)
- Critt food alimentary Paca (France)
- Apulia region - regional department for economic development (Italy)
Project goals:
- Encourage the exchange of knowledge in the field of eco-innovation in the Mediterranean region.
- Improve the environmental performance of agro-food companies, the golden small and medium-sized enterprises.
- Promote the development of the agri-food sector by reducing the environmental impact and improving competitiveness.
- Promoting economic growth in the sector by reducing its environmental impact and developing new markets, processes and products that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Meaning for the local environment: A catalog of eco-innovations for small and medium-sized enterprises and the promotion of the development of the agro-food sector, by reducing the environmental impact and improving competitiveness. Implementation of pilot cases in the companies from Lower Podravje on eco-innovation.
Results of the project:
- Creation of brochures and project website.
- With the aim of disseminating project results, two conferences will be organized at the regional level in each target region.
- Publish project results in newsletters, articles and media posts.
- Establishment of a technical environmental platform for the agri-food sector in the Mediterranean region.
- Creation of a catalog of the best available environmental technologies for the agri-food sector in the Mediterranean region.
- Creation of a catalog of best environmental practices for the agri-food sector in the Mediterranean region.