Project title: Promoting the concept of "No waste" (Promoting Zero Waste)
Project type: international
Project duration: July 2013 - December 2014
Financing: European Territorial Cooperation, Transnational Mediterranean Program 2007-2013
- EGTC - EFXINI POLI - Network of European Cities for Sustainable Development (Greece) - Lead Partner
- Scientific Research Centre Bistra Ptuj (Slovenia)
- Marche Region - Territory and Environment Service - Waste Cycle, Soil remediation, AERCA and Industrial Risk Unit (Italy)
- Honey. Euro-Mediterranean Center for Sustainable Development - NPO (Italy)
- Ecological Recycling Society (Greece)
- Ambiente Italia srl (Italy)
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Marseille Provence (France)
- WasteServ Malta Ltd. (Malta)
- Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency (BiH)
- Municipality of Bedekovčina (Croatia)
The "ZERO WASTE PRO" project seeks to develop an integrated Zero-waste management system in order to reduce the generation of waste and to maximize resources and effort in the areas involved in the project, as well as to systematically reduce the quantity waste that ends at landfills and in the environment. The aim is to develop a single system for determining energy sources and reducing waste in the region. Systematically reduce the amount of waste that is deposited in landfills or the environment, and encourage the reuse and reintegration of waste into recycling. Promoting and raising public awareness on the separation of waste. The re-use of these secondary sources and the promotion of recycling methods that can be considered as an economic activity and represent a fundamental part of sustainable development in the participating regions. Re-use of waste and the creation of new value-added products can stimulate the creation of new jobs and reduce operating costs, which adds value to the economy of the entire region.
- Conducting international conferences from eight countries participating in order to disseminate existing tools of inter-services, their further development and integration into existing practices and experiences of new involved stakeholders.
- Implementation of training courses for the training of teachers in order to mediate in the decision-making process between the public and the private sector.
- A strong communication strategy that will include guides, information packages, info days, online information platforms, printed material, presentations at schools, press releases and professional articles.
- Pilot installation of an ecological island in Bedekovščina, Croatia.
- Development of an information package dedicated to SMEs and industrial areas on how sustainable, low-cost and non-waste initiatives can be implemented in this sector.
Benefits of project results for the local environment:
With the activities in the project, which will be applied to the local environment, we will carry out targeted information, informing and capitalizing the measures of efficient waste management, in close cooperation with the public service company d.o.o. We will evaluate the existing concepts of waste management in municipalities and the region and develop a single management tool for planning waste management systems that lead to waste reduction in the region and prepare practical guidelines for the municipality / region in the form of a "General Manual" for the planning of waste management systems.
More about the project www.zerowastepro.eu