Acronym: Skills Forecasting
Title of the project: Skills and experience in finding a job (Reverting negative trends in skills and jobs matching)
Project type: international
Project duration: January 2014 - December 2014
Funding: Community Program for Employment and Social Solidarity -PROGRESS
- Regional Development Agency Međimurje - REDEA (Croatia) - Leading Partner
- Scientific Research Center Bistra Ptuj (Slovenia)
- Institute of Synergy, Science and Society (Croatia)
- L & R Social research Wien (Austria)
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to better coordination between supply and demand in the labor market in order to create new employment opportunities.
In the field of the Spodnje Podravje, explore the supply and demand in the labor market, establish the system of necessary skills and experience for employment, improve cooperation between the social partners, the economic sector and other local actors in order to successfully overcome negative trends in the labor market.