Project title: Center for lifelong learning Podravje
Project status: in implementation
Project type: national
Project duration: January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2013
Funding: Ministry of Education and Sport and European Social Fund
Head of the project at SRC Bistra Ptuj: Danilo Čeh
- People's University Ptuj - Leading Partner
- ZRS Bistra Ptuj
- PRJ Halo Cirkulane
- Ptuj Regional Chamber of Trades and Entrepreneurship
- Franz Ksavra's Library Meška Ormož Library
Project goals:
- Provide free, quality, professional and integrated information and counseling to all to support their education and learning.
- Connect as many providers of adult education and counseling services in the local environment to the network, in order to ensure the quality, overall and coherent operation of all information and counseling bodies.
- Encourage new forms of education and cooperation through the use of modern ICT technologies.
- Improve the conditions for accessibility of education in the local environment.
Meaning for the local environment:
Results of the project:
- promotion of lifelong learning,
- provide access to counseling and information,
- provide access to new innovative forms and materials for learning and teaching e-learning,
- provide access to organized self-study,
- Increase employment, create indices, flexibility in thinking.