Project title: E-CONOMY
Type of project: cross-border Slovenia-Hungary
Project duration: 1.1.2018-30.6.2019
Financing: The project is implemented under the Operational Program of Cross-Border Cooperation Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary 2014-2020 and is co-financed by the EU under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Head of the project at SRC Bistra Ptuj: Dr. Lidija Tušek
- Zala Megyei Kereskedelmi and Iparkamara - ZMKIK (Lead Partner)
- Scientific Research Centre Bistra Ptuj
- Pomurje Chamber of Commerce
- Pannon Novum Nyugat-dunántúl and Regionális Innovációs Nonprofit Kft.
Project goals:
At the moment, the cooperation of the institutions in the Slovenian-Hungarian border region is not satisfactory to boost economic growth. Similar economic anomalies appear on both sides of the border: long-term unemployment, aging of the population, insufficient employment of early school leavers and less qualified people, lack of skilled workforce, lack of business partnerships in the supply, trade, unsatisfactory distribution of innovative solutions, etc. Within the project we are addressing the challenge of improving institutional cooperation in the four regions: Podravje, Pomurje, the Zala region and the Western Prekodonava region, which is especially important for the Podravje region, as it only exceptionally connects with the Hungarian regions.
Our goal is to integrate the experience, knowledge and existing good practices of these organizations and integrate them into a harmonized system, which is supported by a professional mentoring program. This increases economic cooperation and benefits from neighborly relations.
The result of the project will be the establishment of a network of institutions supporting the economy on both sides of the border on the one hand and facilitating economic contacts between the two countries on the other.
To this end, we will establish an online platform for networking and mobile applications and organise a network of information points.
E-CONOMY on the Lead Partner page