Project title: "SPOT counseling Podravje"
Project type: state
Duration of the project: 1. 1. 2018 - 31.12.2022
Funding: The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and SPIRIT Slovenia, a public agency.
Head of the project at SRC Bistra Ptuj: Jadranka Krajnc
- Mariborska razvojna agencija - leading partner
- Styrian Chamber of Commerce
- Regional Chamber of Trades and Entrepreneurship Maribor
- Development Information Center Slovenska Bistrica
- Scientific Research Centre Bistra Ptuj
Project goals:
The aim of the SPOT project is to increase the awareness and knowledge to solve the challenges of the entrepreneurial pathway at all stages of the entrepreneurial cycle and to increase early entrepreneurial activity that will contribute to more intense growth, growth and business development.
The result is to support and assistance to potential entrepreneurs and micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises in accordance with the Law on Supportive Environment for Entrepreneurship, which are facing entrepreneurial challenges across the entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia and improvement of the entrepreneurial culture. SPOT counseling Podravje is focused on the Podravje service. The project is aimed at strengthening the entrepreneurial potential for SMEs and promoting the creation of new SMEs.