Purpose and objectives
Operation - The project "Active and Connected for New Jobs and Inclusive Society - SocioLab" is aimed at establishing a comprehensive ecosystem for strengthening the potentials of individuals, initiatives and communities with the aim of expanding the social economy (social enterprises and cooperatives) and thus creating and maintaining quality and permanent jobs in the social economy sector and the expansion of affordable (socially) innovative products (services and products) that will ensure greater social inclusion of vulnerable groups, contribute to reducing poverty and improving the quality of life and economic and social development in the Podravska region.
Operation - the SocioLab project was directly confirmed in the Development Agreement of the Podravska Development Region in the 2014-2020 programming period for the purpose of investment for growth and jobs. Both the project and the project partnership were previously approved by the Development Council of the Podravje region, and all project partners are members of the regional development network of Podravje.
Key project activities
The operation is designed to provide an adequate and comprehensive socio-entrepreneurial ecosystem with programs that ensure the activation of potentials, motivating the population and target groups, and raising awareness of the importance of employment of vulnerable groups in the social economy sector, building stakeholders' competences and professional public in order to support and develop the SE sector in the region, recognizing opportunities, generating social innovations, social entrepreneurial ideas and ventures, building (social) entrepreneurial communities, as well as competence for start-up and growth and employment in the sector. Key content activities are divided into three sections:
- the empowerment of the community for the development of the social economy and social innovation;
- activating and motivating the population, generating socially innovative, social entrepreneurial and cooperative ideas and ventures;
- Support program for target groups and social enterprises and startup and growth cooperatives.
In the period 2018-2021, the project will lead to a result / effect
- Established ecosystem (regional network laboratory) for the social economy in the Podravska region.
- 5 regional information points have been established.
- Performed diagnostics and prepared development plans.
- Training and mentoring / coaching for at least 30 organisations in the social economy sector.
- At least 200 people involved in training programs.
- Support has been made for creating or retaining at least 40 new posts in social enterprises and cooperatives.
- Developed 1 program with materials and Implementation of the support program - training and mentoring / coaching for launching socio-entrepreneurial and socially innovative ventures.
- Support for the development of at least 30 socially innovative products.
- Conducting 4 prize competitions for the most socially innovative socio-economic endeavor of the Podravje region and 2 prize competitions for the most ethical investor.
- Implementation of a promotional campaign and 4 exhibition fairs with days of open door companies in the social economy sector.
- Conduct an international expert conference.
Target groups
- Social entrepreneurship: potential entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, cooperatives, people who start social enterprises and co-operatives, or act in such initiatives and initiatives (social entrepreneurial initiatives, social enterprises, cooperative initiatives, co-operatives) at all stages of development).
- Persons employed in a supportive environment for the social economy - professional and technical staff and service providers and programs of supportive environment for (social) entrepreneurship, cooperatives and social innovation.
- Participants of the local environment, persons representing self-governing local communities, public institutions and development organizations in local environments and the general public.
We will also indirectly address the operation with other target groups: unemployed and job-seekers, students, young people, the elderly and members of vulnerable social groups (those at risk of social exclusion, older people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds, a population with a higher risk of poverty).