NAME OF THE PROJECT: Connecting the hinterland via sub-nodes to the TEN-T core network
DURATION: September 2017 – August 2020
FINANCING: European territorial Cooperation, Programme of cooperation INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE 2014–2020
- Thuringian Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture (Germany) – lead partner
- County of Soemmerda (Germany) – project partner
- University of Applied Science Erfurt (Germany) – project partner
- KORDIS JMK (Czech Republic) – project partner
- Marshall’s Office of the Wielkopolska Region (Poland) – project partner
- Scientific Research Centre Bistra Ptuj (Slovenia) – project partner
- Bratislava Integrated Transport (Slovakia) – project partner
- Lombardia Region (Italy) – project partner
- Institute of Traffic and Transport Ljubljana (Slovenia) – project partner
- Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (Germany) – associate partner
- Traffic Association of Mittelhüringen (Germany) – associate partner
- DB (Deutsche Bahn) regional branch for the south-east (Germany) – associate partner
- Development Agency Thüringen (Germany) – associate partner
- Sömmerda Public Transport Management Company (Germany) – associate partner
- South Moravian Region (Czech Republic) – associate partner
- Town of Rosice (Czech Republic) – associate partner
- Zastavka Municipality (Czech Republic) – associate partner
The main goal of the project is to connect secondary transport rail links in regions of Central Europe with the primary rail transport trails of Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). The project aims to establish rail secondary nodes (i.e. subnodes) in medium sized cities of Central Europe, which would connect the hinterland with basic Trans-European Rail Network.
Within the framework of the project, strategies (SubNodes Strategy) will be prepared with strategic directions on how to actualise and implement suggested links in railway traffic into regional traffic strategies.
Establishment of intermodal secondary nodes in the hinterland with TEN hubs; due to poor development of intermodal transport in rural urban areas of central Europe, we wish to develop a strategy within the project on how to better link aforementioned areas with primary nodes.
Encourage passengers to use intermodal travels; content of the strategies will be successful only if the passengers will use the public transport – intermodal travel must become attractive. Local and regional public transport providers should be encouraged to make public transport faster, more reliable, comfortable and accessible.
Transport should be adjusted to passenger needs; project wishes to increase the number of public transport users in hinterland areas of TEN-T network – that should be achieved by implementing the written guidelines of the strategies into local, regional and national traffic regulations.
As a part of its project tasks in the local environment, ZRS Bistra Ptuj will carry out a campaign to raise people's awareness of the benefits of public transport. The project aims to encourage the use of public transport. Intermodal use of public transport will be promoted through the implementation of the "bike-on-train" project, which will allow the first passengers in Slovenia to use bicycles and trains combined on their trips.
There are two primary European transport corridors running through Slovenia. Project Partner Institute of Traffic and Transport Ljubljana will prepare a regional implementation plan, which will present the establishment of two nodes in Slovenia – in Ljubljana and in Maribor. Through these nodes we could actively connect the secondary railway network in Slovenia with the primary European railway corridor.