Project title: Promoting sustainable and innovative use of biogas
Status of project: completed
Project type: international
Project duration: March 2010 - February 2013
Funding: 85% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Central Europe program in the framework of transnational projects
Head of the project at SRC Bistra Ptuj: dr. Klavdija Rižnar
- ICS Internationalisierungscenter Steiermark GmbH (Austria) - Lead Partner,
- Scientific Research Center Bistra Ptuj (Slovenia),
- Energieepark Bruck / Leitha (Austria),
- ÖTGW-RCHS, Österreich-Tschechische Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft (Austria),
- Universitaet Stuttgart, Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management (Germany),
- Saxon Education Company for Environmental Protection and Chemical Occupations Dresden (Germany),
- Foundation for Sustainable Environment of the South Great Plain (Hungary),
- Research Center on Animal Production (Italy),
- Environment Park S.p.A. - Science & Technology Park for the Environment (Italy),
- Regional Development Agency (Poland),
- Central Mining Institute (Poland),
- Citizenship Association No Gravity (Slovakia).
Project goals:
- Establishment of a transnational Competence Center for counseling and transfer of knowledge from the field of biogas,
- Implementation of three pilot actions, based on raising awareness of different target groups on biogas, preparing concepts on sustainable extraction and use of biogas and R & D waste processing activities in raw material for biogas production by optimizing technological processes,
- Developing future guidelines for the further development of the use of biogas at the regional level in cooperation with national or regional stakeholders as a strategic document for decision makers in the field of renewable energy sources (biogas).
Meaning for the local environment:
A comprehensive overview of providers of various services related to biogas in Podravje and beyond. The development of the pilot process of anaerobic digestion of solid organic waste will promote the results in the agricultural and food-food industries in the region and beyond. At the end of the project, the Competence Knowledge Office (CKC) will be set up at SRC Bistra Ptuj with an advisory role in the field of biogas.
Results of the project: national studies in the field of biogas use
Biogas and the economic and logistic environment Biogas and education
Biogas and research Biogas and Legislation