MKRR norway grants 1

As the circular economy could reduce GHG emissions by 39% (ref., there is significant potential for households and industry. Still, too little awareness and too little practice and knowledge exist to motivate them to decide on circular approaches. The project plays an important role in greater material efficiency, as waste will be used as resources.

Project objective is to reduce the pressure on virgin material needs and GHG emissions by increasing re-use and waste design.

The specific objectives are as follows:

  • improve (intersectoral) community involvement in enforcing the principles of circular resource use,
  • increase the understanding of the circular economy through re-use and eco-design by setting up a circular economy studio,
  • reduce the consumption of virgin materials and GHG emissions on a pilot implementation of the use of discarded shipping containers with functional rooms (studioKroG), equipped exclusively according to the principle of reuse and industrial symbiosis.

slovenske konjiceStudio of Circular economy (30 m2)
(Slovenske Konjice)

Discarded shipping containers with new, exciting, and compelling content to display reusability options using waste in the design. A holistic view of the circular economy will be used to set up the circular economy studio. Studio will thus be the first (mobile) object to show the possibility of 100% use of waste instead of the use of virgin materials. Entire circular complex of green containers on the exterior walls will simultaneously promote green areas and flowering plants for wild pollinators.

Using an innovative approach to use only what already exists, the project will open up a whole new dimension and raise the question especially in the current energy and economic crisis of lack of raw materials.