MKRR norway grants 1

»Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe«

2nd INFO DAY: In a circular economy, nothing is waste

Ormož, 11th November 2022

On 11.11. In 2022, we organized the second Info Day of the studioKroG project. Info day was organized with the aim of raising awareness and informing about project activities and the importance of reusing and re-designing waste in the context of a circular economy. The info day took place as part of municipal event Martinovanje in Ormož, because at that time Ormož as a city is the most visited by various target groups.

At the info day itself, we mainly explained to the general public what the studioKroG project is and how important a role it plays in solving the challenges in the lack of understanding of the circular use of resources. Where project with a comprehensive approach of reuse and design of discarded objects or of waste exceeds the existing practice in the case of used shipping containers with functionally and thematically equipped rooms according to the principle »don't throw away, repair, design and reuse«.

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We also emphasized that discarded shipping containers will be used to set up a (mobile) circular economy studio with a new, exciting, and convincing content of showing the possibility of reusing and designing waste in a holistic view of the circular economy instead of using virgin materials, so use what already exists. And what significance will a green roof and an insect hotel have for the protection of pollinators.

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Organized by: RRC Ormož


The »Studio of Circular Economy« benefits from a EUR 776.975,00 EUR grant from Norway.

