MKRR norway grants 1

»Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe«

Demonstration of the 4R green design concept on the Studio of Circular Economy (studioKroG)
16 December 2022, Slovenske Konjice and Rogaška Slatina

StudioKroG as the first circular economy centre in Slovenia is being developed in four investment phases. As part of the second investment phase, the 100% reusable container exterior, demonstrations were carried out at two investment sites to increase understanding of the principles of the circular economy, aimed at both the general public and the project's target groups:

Location Slovenske Konjice (Tattenbachova 5d, CPU):

  • importance of green spaces in urban environments, providing green walls and roofs for the conservation of wild pollinators,
  • demonstration of the use of discarded products to furnish the exterior of containers - creation of a green roof.




Location Rogaška Slatina (Tuncovec 10h, OKP Rogaška Slatina Collection Centre):

  • importance of circular resource use and industrial symbiosis,
  • demonstration of the use of discarded products for the purpose of furnishing the exterior of containers - used windows and doors, demonstration of a cut-out on a container wall for the installation of used joinery.

As a pilot project, StudioKroG is based on the fact that the solution to climate change and the transition to a low-carbon circular economy is not to restrict and prohibit, but to promote socially responsible entrepreneurship and to create a new "competition" in society, local communities and organisations with the challenge of how to live and create with the least possible consumption of resources and energy, according to the principles of circular resource use.


Project Consortium:

projektni konzorcij


The »Studio of Circular Economy« benefits from a EUR 776.975,00 EUR grant from Norway.

