MKRR norway grants 1

»Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe«



3rd studioKroG INFO DAY at the MEGRA International Fair, Gornja Radgona

WHEN: 8 - 10 March 2023 from 9.00 to 17.00

WHERE: 32nd International Fair for Construction, Energy, Utilities and Trade

Gornja Radgona

Hall B, Stand 801

Expert and accompanying programme: CLICK

The information day of the studioKroG (studio of the Circular Economy) project was held in Gornja Radgona (8-10 March 2023) as part of the international fair MEGRA 2023. The fair presented the latest possibilities for modern, green new buildings, building renovation and landscaping. StudioKroG, as a demonstration centre for the circular economy, presented itself as a sustainable mobile construction solution based on the "don't throw away, repair, reuse, re-design and recycle" principle. The intended use of studioKroG can be for business or office premises, tourist info point, holiday homes, educational purposes... even a home for the young or the elderly, because it is modular and adapts to needs. During the information day, we showed the participants the creation of a new mobile building with a green roof and green walls, in which nothing is new, only discarded/used objects, waste and recycled material are used, following the principle of the circular economy.

As part of the studioKroG project, we are giving away 15 free tickets to visit the fair (Megra and Green Fair) and the Green Stage on the Circular Economy (SRIP - Circular Economy).

Information for the free tickets:

studioKrog Megra 



Project Consortium:

projektni konzorcij


The »Studio of Circular Economy« benefits from a EUR 776.975,00 EUR grant from Norway.

